"The Teaching of God's Children" - Religious Education Program
Saint Thomas of Aquin Parish offers a Faith Formation Program for Grades 1 through 8, as well as Sacrament Preparation for Reconciliation (Confession), First Eucharist (Communion) and Confirmation.
Students should be registered and attend all grades in order to receive a continual progressive understanding of their faith.
Families of all students attending classes are required to be registered parishioners of the parish.
Our First Eucharist and First Reconciliation Program begins in the 1st grade and concludes in the 2nd grade.
- Students are required to attend both years.
- Each child in the Sacramental Preparation Program for First Reconcilation and
First Eucharist must be represented by one parent or guardian at the scheduled First
Reconciliation/Eucharist Parents meetings.
- Parents should contact the Coordinator of Religious Education.
Our Confirmation Program begins in 7th grade and concludes in the 8th grade. More information on our Confirmation Program can be found by clicking on the Confirmation Program Link on the left side of this page.
A vital part of each students spiritual life and growth as a Catholic is regular participation in the Sacraments of the Church. All students and their families are expected to attend Mass each Sunday or Saturday evening, as well as on holy days of obligation.
CLICK HERE for the 2024/2025 Religious Education/Confirmation Registration Form
On the days classes are scheduled, if the Ogdensburg Public School is closed, has an early dismissal or after school activities are cancelled due to inclememnt weather, Religious Education Classes are cancelled. Cancellations will also be posted on the Home Page of our ParishWebsite: www.stthomasofaquin.org